Lisbon hosts the closure of the REMAS project against climate change

The Instituto Superior de Agronomia hosts the meeting to discuss the conclusions on the sudden greenhouse gas emissions risk in areas subject to forest fires

Lisbon will host the final event of the Interreg Sudoe REMAS project on 14 December. At this conference, which brings together researchers from universities, organisations and administrations committed to the fight against climate change, the conclusions reached from the work performed in the study areas of Portugal, Spain and France will be presented, analysed and debated. These lands have been devastated by forest fires and have served as a laboratory to observe the evolution of carbon in the European project. 

The Interreg Sudoe REMAS project thus brings to a close the work implemented over three years by the project team, proposing a manual of best practice for the mitigation of the greenhouse gas emissions risk from forest fires, a cartographic viewer of the emissions risk and an action protocol for the reduction of the emissions risk, which is intended to help European public, national, regional and local administrations with responsibilities in this area to make decisions on risk mitigation. It also proposes post-fire recovery measures to minimise risk and accelerate the recovery of carbon stocks. 

For the first time, the project has developed a territorial emissions risk model that identifies the critical areas of greatest risk in order to focus prevention and management efforts. Moreover, the project promotes the inclusion of the GHG emissions risk management from forest fires in strategic planning in the SUDOE regions, so that these risk reduction efforts are included among the commitments taken to mitigate climate change. 

The programme starts at 8:45 am on 14 December and is divided into two sessions. In the first, the project and its results will be presented. The second focuses on the challenges and opportunities for the future: how to include the GHG emissions risk from forest fires in planning and legislation. 

The Instituto Superior de Agronomia is hosting the conference, which will conclude the same morning with a summary and conclusions of the presentations. The sessions can be followed both in person and online. 

Information of the final communication event 

Register TODAY for free REMAS training

As a fundamental part of the project, the capitalisation and transfer of results is key to progress in achieving the REMAS objectives. In this sense, REMAS closes the year with two key actions, the final communication event to be held in Lisbon and this online training action “Greenhouse gas emissions risk management in forest fires”, which was already held with the support of the Diputación de Valencia in Spain for public administration personnel and now from 21 November to 4 December will be replicated for the whole European territory. This will be implemented through the online academy.

From TODAY you can register for this training action to learn about the risk of greenhouse gas emissions in forest ecosystems, which are the most vulnerable areas, innovative technologies for the quantification of carbon in vegetation and soil and how these emissions can be reduced and carbon pools can be restored after a forest fire.

This is your registration link: 

It is important to know that:

  • The thematic units are recorded and you will have the support of the teaching personnel via chat with answers within 24-48h.
  • There are limited places available.
  • The training will be given by the REMAS team, Spain, France and Portugal, so the language will be in English.
  • You can do it at your own pace during these 2 weeks.
  • You will receive a certificate of participation in the REMAS training action at the end of the training.
  • The training course lasts approximately 8 hours.

We inform you that, in this online training, teachers, composed of REMAS technical personnel and researchers, have made their best efforts to compile in the training the most outstanding knowledge that has been developed in the project, which includes, by thematic units:

  • Thematic Unit 0 (TU). Introduction
  • TU1. Identification and assessment of vulnerable forest ecosystems.
  • TU2. Assessment of carbon stocks in forest ecosystems: quantification by remote sensing.
  • TU3. Monitoring of carbon stocks in forest ecosystems in REMAS pilot areas.
  • TU4. Greenhouse gas emission risk model: calculation and application.
  • TU5. Best practices for carbon sequestration and restoration in damaged ecosystems.
  • TU6. Policies and strategies to mitigate the risk of GHG emissions. 

Our main objective is that you acquire the knowledge of 3 years of work compiled in these thematic units in a synthesized way so that you are updated on the latest developments in the framework of the emission risk management due to forest fires.

In less than 1 minute you can register and then train at your own pace in those 2 weeks.

Register at

REMAS is coming to an end in 2022 and we want this knowledge to reach you, to be available to you in a practical way and for you to have your certificate.

See you inside!

Final meeting of the REMAS project discussed solutions for emission risk management after the fires

On the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of September, the team of Loulé that is part of the REMAS project (INTERREG – SUDOE) was in the Spanish city of Valencia, to participate in the final technical meeting. The creation of a risk model of greenhouse gas emissions from forest fires, which can support administrations in decision-making and integrate land planning and management instruments, is the most evident aspect of the work held since 2019, and which tried to analyse and respond to the functioning of carbon pools in the vegetation and soils of the most representative forest ecosystems in Southwest Europe.

Scholars, researchers and forestry technicians from Portugal (Loulé), Spain and France met to share and discuss the results of studies carried out in the last three years on managing the risk of greenhouse gas emissions from forest fires. On the other hand, a model was presented, which can be an important support tool for administrations to define the risk of emissions in forest ecosystems in case of fire, as well as to prioritize prevention actions.

The first day of the meeting was marked by the presentation of conclusions by each of the partners, and in the second day the teams visited one of the monitored plots in the study area. In Chelva, on the outskirts of the city of Valencia, the fires burned 20,945 hectares of forest in 2012. Here, as in the other study areas – Serra do Caldeirão, Guadalajara (Spain) and Aquitaine (France), analyses and measurement of carbon pools after the fires were carried out, according to the type of management. The results of monitoring the carbon pool in the last two years were evaluated. In the study, the carbon stored in the soil and vegetation was quantified, and the risk of CO2 and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere that would be caused in case of a rural fire was calculated, taking into account factors such as the severity and duration of the fire.

In this final phase of the project, the objective is now to promote and give visibility to the results and expose the methodologies, the action protocol, the transnational action plan and the model developed. Consequently, a period is started in which online training will be promoted for technicians on these matters and which will allow the model to be disseminated, with the aim of optimising territorial and environmental management.

Although this was the last monitoring meeting, the project will conclude its actions with an event to communicate the results, which will take place on December 14th, in Lisbon, at the Higher Institute of Agronomy (one of the project partners).

According to the team from the Municipality of Loulé coordinated by the Forestry Technical Office, which has been following the process, “despite the fact that the perspective has been very ambitious for the three years, even because COVID-19 has delayed the planned actions, the balance of this project is extremely positive”. “It was a fruitful experience, not only because of the intense exchange of learning, but above all because of the technical knowledge acquired in this process, which will greatly benefit our region. We now have a model that is available to any entity, not just the Municipality of Loulé, and which could be important to consider in the land management instruments that may be outlined”, say the team’s leaders.

Rebeca Aleix Amurrio, from the AMUFOR, points out: “In October 2019, REMAS started with a lot of emotion and commitment; today, at the end of September 2022, we ended the last monitoring meeting not only with emotion and commitment, but also with admiration, pride of each challenge overcome, of the experience we added to each member of the great team we formed. The inclusion of the risk of greenhouse gas emissions from forest fires in planning instruments and sustainable forest management strategies is, undoubtedly, a primordial element in our contribution to the mitigation of climate change. The first phase of REMAS will end in December 2022, but we hope that the work hold in these three years will continue to make it possible to extend the study time for forest ecosystems that require a longer study period”.

The REMAS project is financed by the Interreg Sudoe Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Approved in June 2019, it is led by the Association of Forest Municipalities of the Valencian Community (AMUFOR) and has prestigious partners such as the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the University of Valencia, the Provincial Council of Valencia, the National Institute for Agricultural Research and Technology and Food, the Municipality of Loulé, the Higher Institute of Agronomy, the National Higher School of Agricultural Sciences in Bordeaux.

In summer we work to make our project visible

The Interreg Sudoe Remas project has faced the beginning of the summer (June and July) with numerous events in which the work implemented has been made visible. In work meetings and congresses, the results of the study areas located in Spanish, French and Portuguese territory have been analysed and debated.

Scientific-technical meeting in Orea

The REMAS technical team travelled to Orea (Guadalajara) to make in situ progress on the results that will come to light in the coming months and to visit the study plots located in the Alto Tajo Natural Park.

8th Spanish Forestry Congress (8CFE)

REMAS team actively participated in the eighth edition of the Spanish Forestry Congress, which was held in Lleida from 27 June to 1 July. We had a stand where we presented our work and shared it with our colleagues from other organisations and other projects related to the forestry sector. Several papers were also presented as posters.


AMUFOR participated in the TERRAenVISION event on the 28th June 2022 through the following oral communication: “Greenhouse gas emissions risk management in forest fires (Interreg Sudoe REMAS)”.

Forest fire prevention and climate change initiatives and projects

On 21 June AMUFOR participated in the conference of the Universitat Politècnica de València and Research group in Forest Science Technology and in collaboration with the Generalitat Valenciana and the Servei de Prevenció d’Incendis Forestals. There, AMUFOR explained what it consists of and the progress of the Interreg Sudoe REMAS project.

Last meeting of the Spanish REMAS working group

The last meeting of the working group was held on 15 July 2022 to finalise the details for the presentation of the REMAS project results worked on in the framework of the development of a strategy for the inclusion of emission prevention and risk management.

Participation in the EGU General Assembly 2022

Eugenia Gimeno from UV-CIDE participated in the EGU General Assembly 2022 on the 26th May 2022 through an oral communication which was “Soil carbon pools in forested areas affected by fires after the application of restoration measures by Eugenia Gimeno-García et al.” Concretely, Eugenia participated in the Session SSS5.3 – Mechanisms of soil organic matter transformation, stabilization and storage.

Meeting of the Portuguese REMAS working group.

“The Loulé Municipality team that integrates the REMAS project (INTERREG – SUDOE programme), together with its partner Instituto Superior de Agronomia (University of Lisbon), promoted an online workshop addressed to national and regional entities to reflect on the integration of the results of this project in the legal instruments in force that are more relevant to its objectives.” Link


Se inicia la inscripción para la acción formativa en colaboración con la Diputación de Valencia

La Diputación de Valencia, en el marco del proyecto Interreg Sudoe, ha lanzado una acción formativa sobre  “Gestión de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en incendios forestales”. Las jornadas se hacen en colaboración con el Servicio de Proyectos Europeos de la Diputación de Valencia, dentro de su Plan de Formación de 2022.

La actividad formativa va dirigida al personal empleado público al servicio de las administraciones públicas que deseen formarse en cambio climático, teledetección, cuantificación de sumideros de carbono, gestión y prevención de riesgos ambientales, como elementos claves para una óptima gestión territorial y ambiental por parte de las administraciones públicas. Está programada para los días 17, 19, 21, 24, 26 y 28 de octubre, en horario de 10.30 a 13.30 (excepto el primer día que será de 10.00 a 14.30 horas). 

Las jornadas darán a conocer las conclusiones extraídas del proyecto, que  tiene como objetivo principal identificar las áreas críticas con mayor riesgo de emisiones con el fin de focalizar esfuerzos de prevención, gestión, extinción de incendios, así como para acelerar la restauración de carbono en los ecosistemas forestales una vez ocurridos los incendios.

El curso tendrá una duración de 19 horas y se desarrollará mediante vídeo clases a través de la Comunidad de Aprendizaje del Servicio de Formación.

La solicitud para participar se debe realizar a través de la aplicación de Teletramitación de la página web del Servicio de Formación.

El plazo para formalizar la solicitud finaliza el próximo día 27 de junio (inclusive). Una vez finalizado el plazo de solicitud, el Servicio de Formación, notificará a los alumnos/alumnas seleccionados, la admisión a dicha actividad formativa

REMAS working group debates project contributions to planning and legislation

The Loulé Municipality’s team, which integrates the REMAS project (INTERREG SUDOE programme), together with the partner Higher Institute of Agronomy (University of Lisbon), promoted an online workshop aimed at national and regional entities to reflect on the integration of results of this project in the most relevant legal instruments in force.

REMAS is a project that aims to determine the risk of greenhouse gas emissions from forest fires, propose measures to minimize these emissions and improve the capacity to recover carbon stocks in burned areas. It is intended that these matters may have a legal framework in the future, namely the results acquired from the pilot areas that are being studied and where different forms of intervention after the fires have been tested: Serra do Caldeirão, in Portugal, the Aquitaine region in France, Chequilla (Guadalajara) and Chelva-Andilla (Valencia), both in Spain.

Thus, some of the relevant regulations and plans for the REMAS project were under analysis and which will soon integrate the results of this initiative financed by European funds. Environment, Spatial Planning, Climate Change and Defence of the Forest against Fires are the topics on which the instruments presented are inscribed, given their relevance to the central issue of REMAS, in particular in the field of mitigation of greenhouse gases in forest fires. The directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on ambient air quality and cleaner air in Europe, the resolution of the Council of Ministers that created the National System of Inventory of Emissions by Sources and Removal of Atmospheric Pollutants, the Report of the State of the Environment 2020/2021, as well as the National Emissions Inventory (estimate of greenhouse gas emissions caused by forest fires) were matters discussed in this session, in the field of Environment.

On the other hand, in terms of Spatial Planning, the National Programme for Spatial Planning Policy, Recovery and Resilience Plan and Integrated Landscape Recovery Management Plans were discussed at this workshop.

Also the issues related to Climate Change essential for this project, as well as the planning instruments associated with them, deserved the attention not only of the moderators, but of those who attended the workshop. This is the case of the Loulé Municipal Climate Action Plan, the first to be completed in our country, a document that guides political action and the prioritization of public investment in the Municipality of Loulé in the next decade. Among the regulations and plans, the Intermunicipal Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Algarve, the Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050 and the National Energy and Climate Plan 2030 were also discussed.

Finally, the regulations and plans were under analysis within the scope of the Forest and the Defence of the Forest against Fires, such as the Independent Technical Observatory – technical study ‘Fire Risk Reduction through the Use of Woody Biomass for Energy’, the National Management Plan of Rural Fires (PNGIFR) and the National Action Programme of the PNGIFR or the Regional Plan for Forest Management (PROF) – Algarve.

At the end of the workshop, a SWOT analysis was carried out on the whole of these instruments, identifying the strengths and weaknesses in terms of their approach to forest fire risk and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions (by forest fires), considering the interaction between climate, forest and fire. In this same perspective, opportunities for improvement/review of these instruments and external threats to this end were also addressed.

It should be remembered that SUDOE-REMAS is a project led by the Association of Forest Municipalities of the Valencian Community (AMUFOR), and that in addition to the Loulé Municipality, it has as partners the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the University of Valencia, the Provincial Council of Valencia, the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology – CSIC National Centre, the Higher Institute of Agronomy, the Higher School of Agricultural Sciences in Bordeaux and associated partners from different regions.


383 brigade members from 79 municipalities in Castellón take part in training workshops on sustainable forest management

During the month of November, AMUFOR technical staff travelled around the province of Castellón to give training workshops to the brigades of the EMERGE programme. A total of 383 brigade members from 79 municipalities attended the workshops.

The three-week workshops highlighted the need to set up risk prevention brigades, forest fires being the main risk in the rural areas of the province of Castellón, as the work they carry out helps to reduce the fuel load on the Castellón forests, thus reducing the possibility of a forest fire starting and, if it does occur, making it much less virulent, allowing the fire-fighting forces to act more efficiently and effectively on a possible fire outbreak.

On the other hand, the hiring of people living in these municipalities allows the population to settle, being predominantly from rural areas, where the risk of depopulation is high. The role played by the brigades in the territory is very important and their training is therefore essential.

In the same way, understanding that the work they implement on a daily basis has positive consequences for the environment and that their role in risk prevention helps to combat the negative effects of climate change (reducing CO2 emissions from forest fires, among others) is of great importance for the personal motivation of each member of the brigade as well as for their personal and professional development.

EMERGE 2021 brigades

The consolidation of EMERGE brigades for the year 2021 comes from a programme of subsidies of Social Initiative, aimed at the hiring of unemployed people by local corporations of the Comuntiat Valenciana, to implement actions provided for in emergency plans or procedures in the field of forestry. In addition, the resolution establishes, according to the Report-proposal of the Valencian Agency for Security and Emergency Response of 16 November 2020, that the geographical scope of the call is determined by a combination of the following factors: the risk of depopulation and the risk of forest fires and operational priority in fire extinction.

In this sense, the actions envisaged for the brigades are based on carrying out actions whose main objective is to mitigate or reduce a risk contemplated in an emergency plan for the Comunitat Valenciana as a whole or at a local level, and especially the reduction of the population risks derived from forest fires, by means of actions that favour the intervention of the extinguishing means.

The workshop programme was divided into two parts. On the one hand, the brigade members were trained in the identification and characterisation of tree and shrub species in their respective areas of action. On the other hand, the dissemination of information on the protection of forest areas and their role in the management of the risk of CO2 emissions associated with forest fires in the framework of the fight against climate change, all under the umbrella of the European Interreg Sudoe REMAS project.

It was also shown how the preservation of these protected areas and the forest fire prevention tasks carried out daily by the EMERGE brigades contribute to reducing the risk of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, which maintains the carbon stored in the plant structures and thus makes it possible to actively combat climate change.

The presentations were supported by audiovisual material, under different videos on climate change, protected natural areas, forest fires and a video explaining the Interreg Sudoe REMAS project. REMAS, among other actions, quantifies CO2 emissions to the atmosphere due to forest fires in 4 regions of Southwest Europe, 2 in Spain, one in France and one in Portugal.

In addition, both before and during the workshops, there was close collaboration with all the actors involved in them, carrying out quality joint work and materialising in the satisfaction of both the organisers of the workshops (AMUFOR, Castellón Provincial Council, Servef-LABORA, Regional Ministry of Sustainable Economy and the participating town councils) and the members of the brigades.

REMAS promotes an interactive space for knowledge exchange

The partners and associated partners of the Interreg Sudoe REMAS project (Spain, France, Portugal and Andorra) met in Bordeaux at the beginning of February 2022 with the aim of outlining the strategies of this European programme, which is coming to an end this year. For this purpose, the prestigious French school “Bordeaux Science Agro – École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques” provided a working space with the aim of advancing in the actions framed in REMAS. As planned, we also went to the field to visit the French pilot area located in Saint-Jean-d’Illac, where they explained to us the management of its forest ecosystem, vegetation and soil.

Among the actions organised in France, it is important to note the meetings held between partners and associates with local, regional and national entities, in the framework of the development of guidelines for the prevention and management of greenhouse gas emission risks. These contribute to the transnational action plan for the inclusion of emissions risk in sustainable forest planning and management strategies in the study regions.

REMAS is also taking the necessary steps to establish an interactive and knowledge-sharing space with key actors to contribute to the improvement of the coordination and effectiveness of emission risk prevention plans with measures to safeguard and enhance carbon stocks.

In parallel, REMAS will transfer and capitalise on the products obtained in each work module through training courses structured in the following thematic units (TU):

.TU0. Introduction

.TU1. Identification and assessment of vulnerable forest ecosystems.

.TU2. Assessment of the carbon stocks of forest ecosystems: remote sensing quantification.

.TU3. Carbon stocks dynamics and monitoring of forest ecosystems in the pilot REMAS areas.

.TU4. Greenhouse gas emission risk model: calculation and implementation.

.TU5. Best practices for carbon fixation and restoration in damaged ecosystems.

.TU6. Policies and strategies for mitigating the risk of GHG emissions.

On the other hand, a methodology for estimating the risk of greenhouse gas emissions is being developed, which aims to establish the scientific basis for calculating the risk of GHG emissions from forest fires, in addition to obtaining cartography that identifies and localises the decision-making process of public administrations in terms of forest fire prevention and extinction. In the same way, the results obtained in the pilot areas in cross-border cooperation will make it possible to obtain data for future estimates and surveys on the evolution of carbon in forest ecosystems.

Another of the work being implemented and which was presented at the meeting in France is that REMAS continues to communicate through its networks and its team is producing videos explaining the different actions of the project.

The REMAS project is co-financed by the Interreg Sudoe programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In it, prestigious entities from the four countries of the SUDOE area focus on providing results (methodology, protocol, transnational action plan, etc.) to provide the southwest area with strategies and action plans for the prevention and management of risks. To this end, they are drawing up an action plan to continue with the planned actions.

REMAS, coordinated by the Association of Forest Municipalities of the Comunitat Valenciana (AMUFOR), has prestigious partners such as the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV-ITACA), the University of Valencia (UV-CIDE), the Provincial Council of Valencia (DIVAL), the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology – National Centre of CSIC (INIA-CSIC), the Municipality of Loulé (CML), the Higher Institute of Agronomy (ISA), Bordeaux Sciences Agro – National School of Agronomic Sciences of Bordeaux and associated entities to whom we are grateful for their participation and collaboration in the different phases of the Project (

REMAS is looking for partners to address the inclusion of emissions risk in fire prevention strategies and plans

The Interreg Sudoe REMAS project “Greenhouse gas emissions risk management in forest fires’ has held a working day. The aim is to consolidate a working group to address the inclusion of the risk of emissions in fire prevention strategies and plans. The intention is to contribute to minimising the emission of greenhouse gases produced by large fires and, consequently, their effects on climate change.

With these actions, REMAS addresses the cross-border risk of greenhouse gas emissions from forest fires in the SUDOE territory (Southwest Europe), whose forest ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

During the conference, the advances made at the regulatory level to include the risk of CO2 emissions in planning strategies and forest fire prevention plans were presented.

The director of the project, Rebeca Aleix, indicated that “the conference is an opportunity for public sector entities, professional associations and associations to work together in the management of the risk of emissions, a risk that affects all parties”.

“In the Association of Forest Municipalities we are committed to tools that contribute to preserving our forests and to the structuring of the forestry sector”, added the president of AMUFOR, Consuelo Alfonso, the organisation leading the project.

For his part, the vice-president of the provincial body and deputy for European Projects, Carlos Fernández Bielsa, was in charge of opening the conference, reaffirming the “support that the Provincial Council will continue to show for this type of idea. We will continue to collaborate with programmes such as REMAS because they are our roadmap, our work agenda to improve cities and towns, their natural landscapes, and our forest and ecological wealth”.

The REMAS project is co-financed by the Interreg SUDOE programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In the framework of transnational cooperation, REMAS (2019-2022) addresses the management of the risk of carbon emissions into the atmosphere contained in forest ecosystems due to forest fires, with a multidisciplinary and integrative character.

To this end, REMAS quantifies the carbon contained in forest ecosystems, both in vegetation and soil, to determine and map the risk of CO2 emissions following a forest fire and propose measures to prevent emissions and improve the capacity to accumulate carbon.


REMAS experiences an eventful second half of 2021

The Interreg Sudoe REMAS project held numerous events in the second half of 2021. Sometimes with the help of different institutions at the local, regional and provincial level and universities. The year that is now ending has been the year in which the project has been presented in different forums, congresses, conferences and media. Thus, after a year and a half of teleworking as a result of the pandemic, the Interreg Sudoe REMAS project has been presented in face-to-face events as well as visiting the progress of the project partners in their country. 

The highlighted events have been:

05/05/2021: FIRElinks Webinars (  (AMUFOR)

11/05/2021:  Green Pact Day – Fire Prevention, Generalitat Valenciana (AMUFOR)

02/07/2021: Political action day in the Valencia region (Valencian partners)

06/07/2021: REMAS panel in the exhibition of the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia: “Ante el cambio cambiemos” (In the face of change let’s change). Presented by UV-CIDE.

30/07/2021: Conference (Congress) to present the REMAS model at Geological and Environmental Sustainability on 30 July 2021 Geoscience Webinar 2021 – United Research Forum. Oral presentation title: “Modelling GHG emission risk from forest fires” (UPV-ITACA)

03/09/2021: Participation in the WFC video contest (video edited by UV-CIDE; participation of all project partners)

09/09/2021: Joint working group meeting in the Portugal regional (ISA and CML)

17/09/2021: Participation in the Interact event for the European Cooperation Day. Round table: the role of the Comunitat Valenciana in European Interreg cooperation projects (AMUFOR and UV-CIDE). 

On an internal level, it is noted the 5th follow-up meeting:

20/09/2021: transversal working packages.

22-23/09/2021: technical working packages

28/09/2021: decision making.